Thursday, June 5, 2008

Hello I'm a mechanic student.

Hola me llamo Samir. Estoy haciendo la formación práctica de ayudante de mecánico en el taller de la empresa Opel, en Torre Pacheco. Poco a poco voy aprendiendo. Es un taller pequeño con tres operarios que me enseñan lo que tengo que hacer. Estoy deseando que llegue el momento en que haga las reparaciones yo sólo y que en un futuro enseñe yo a otros chicos que vengan a mi taller a hacer su formación práctica, como yo la estoy haciendo.

Hello my name is Samir. I'm doing the practical training of assistant mechanic in the workshop of the company named Opel, in Torre Pacheco. Gradually I learn. It is a small workshop with three workers who teach me what I have to do. I am waiting the moment that I do the repairs myself and in the future I’ll teach to other kids who come to my workshop to do their practical training, like I'm doing.


Aline said...

Hello Samir, my name is Aline. I live in La Rochelle. I am 16 years old. I study secretarial. Your work experience is fascinating. Would you like to get this job later ?
How long did your work experience last ?


Jessica said...

Hello, my name is Jessica and I am 16 years old. I live in Châtelaillon-Plage. I don’t like because I am a secretary but I think it’s interesting to teach your work to the boys. Good Luck. Good bye.

claudia said...

Hello Samir,
I read your article and your training period seens to be interesting. I quite understand that you are looking forward to manage your own firm.
Keep on going well.

Bonjour Samir,
J 'ai lu ton article and ton stage a l'air intéressant. Je comprend que tu dois être préssé d'avoir ta propre entreprise.
Bonne continuation.